auひかり・ADSL oneや固定電話等のお支払いにご利用いただけるクレジットカード
- クレジットカードをご提示ください。ご利用いただけるクレジットカードは下記の通りです。
- お支払い方法をクレジットカードで設定いただく場合、金融機関お届け印や通帳は必要ありません。
- ※上記以外にも次のクレジットカードが利用可能です。
出光クレジット/山陰信販/全日信販/日本海信販 - ※一部ご利用いただけない場合がございます。
カード番号や有効期限の変更手続きはauケータイ (EZweb)・パソコン・スマートフォンから手続き可能です。(法人でのご契約を除く)
- 請求書が毎月上旬から中旬に届くお客様(WEB de 請求書の場合、6日頃請求がご確認いただける方)
⇒毎月2日頃承認依頼を行います。 - 請求書が毎月中旬過ぎに届くお客様(WEB de 請求書の場合、13日頃請求がご確認いただける方)
⇒毎月8日頃承認依頼を行います。 - 請求書が毎月下旬に届くお客様(WEB de 請求書の場合、22日頃請求がご確認いただける方)
To the customers paying with a credit card
Please notify KDDI of your card information when the number or the expiration date has been changed.
Without authorization you may not able to pay by the credit card in accordance with the contract of credit card companies.
The change procedure of the card number and the expiring date can be done through your cellular phone.
(Except corporate contract)
KDDI customer service center will accept your order by written contract.
When you use au cellular phone (EZweb)
Credit card payment application URL is as follows (When you use au cellular phone (EZweb))
- *The change procedure is also included
- - Linked site is Japanese only
- - Support ID and the password are necessary for the procedure.
- - QR code right can lead you to change procedure. (au cellular phone (EZweb) only)
When you use other cellular phone
Credit card payment application URL is as follows (When you use other cellular phone)
- *The change procedure is also included
Please click on the link and follow the procedures.
各種お手続きのご案内 → お支払い方法の変更 → 「クレジットカードで支払う」click【申し込む】
- - Linked site is Japanese only
- - Support ID and the password are necessary for the procedure.
To the customers paying with a VISA debit-card.
In accordance with the content of invoice,KDDI might have to ask credit company to authorize the money amount.If you pay telephone fee with a VISA debit-card, the credit card company will take money from your account instantly by this authorization as of January 2011.
In addition, Our authorization request to the credit card will be different as follows.
- Customers who receive a bill early or mid part of the month (in case of ON-LINE-BILL, customers who can check the bill around 6th)
⇒Our authorization request to the credit card will be around 2nd. - Customers who receive a bill mid part of the month (in case of ON-LINE-BILL, customers who can check the bill around 13th)
⇒Our authorization request to the credit card will be around 8. - Customers who receive a bill around the end of the month (in case of ON-LINE-BILL, customers who can check the bill around 22nd)
⇒Our authorization request to the credit card will be around 18.